I've come to realize that is a daunting task to view all your favorite blogs because you like them. To see each bloggherlicious post pop-up on your news feed every hour on the hour of every day is taxing. To click on each and every single blog you follow and read every single post you've bookmarked and make comments on every itsy bitsy thingy that you likey is tiring. To multi-task and toggle between facebook and blogspots, wordpress and typepad, myspaces and yahoos, qwerty phone

So I am here to say to all my blogging blogosphere icons, my bloggher-loving readers, my photo-hawking internet galacticons, my back-breaking mini-upcoming blogger children...it is a tough job to be on the edge of fashion and lifestyle and all things "interesting". It is a tough job to always have something to post that's so refined that no one can find fault. Its a tough job to find your favorite blog-subjects ridiculed and mocked by your readers. Its a tough job to try to make a living out of this thing called blogging....its a small world after all.
So please, I ask that you understand just how hard we have it. That you give us time to gather our thoughts, and be gracious with us when we write run-on sentences, and massive typos...please spare us, and just read.
Thank you.
-signed, a citizen for the advancement of dialogue between strangers. :)
Blog-roll and Mad Love:
Click each banner/image to go to the blog site!