As a fashion hobbyist, I very often find myself browsing for the best buys and incredible sales. In fact I even decided to set aside an entire savings account for shopping, but even I know what is far out of my reach. The popular Spring '09 Yves Saint Laurent Cage boots, and a fabulous pair of Christian Louboutins are dream purchases for some future wedding day, unless, of course, they cost a little under $170.
Well let the impossible be possible, because I ran across a website today that sells knock-off designer heels, for prices that are literally too good to be true! I may be alone when I say this, but there is something about fake goods that just stink up the joint. And then I found the source of the funk: the infamous Shanghai address.
The fakes (Run-way

The Real Deal:

The Facts:
-In America alone: an estimated 290,200 underage children were illegally employed, and over 59,600 of them were children under age 14.
-Third world countries pay $0.28/per hr to $30/wk to sweatshop kids
-A child can work up to 200 overtime hrs/mo to break "even"
Fashionistas, the real thing beats a fake any day. Shop smart. Be wise. Be aware.