This is my country. Take it or leave it, but I love it! See Nigeria and die! (Ok, maybe a tad bit overboard, don't go dying and junk, its just a metaphor;-)
Every year, starting on Jamaica Ave in Brooklyn, is Caribbean Carnival where different islanders wear costumes to represent their island and dance in the streets. Its a sight to behold. I went in 2006, but due to illness, I couldn't make it to the streets. My girlfriends came back bearing gifts and photos.
And here we have Hampton ,VA. The above 4 photos are of scenic Hampton, the below 2 are of Hampton University. I went in 2007 and although I liked it, Hampton is very quiet and I've heard there is more to see near Old Dominion and Norfolk State.
This is Washington D.C. (My sister takes some great photos.) I was fortunate enough to see fireworks while driving into D.C. over the bridge, and within a bird's eye-view of the monument and the capitol...magical to say the least.
This is my 1st Coney Island trip, during one of my sister's many visits to NYC. Although the ocean water pales in comparison to the crystal blues of Miami, its ocean nonetheless.
This is my first trip to Boston. I went with some goofball friends to visit and make homemade pizza. (I had no camera, so while I saw this stuff, a friend took the pics.)
My Portfolio:
"If the world were to end today I would look back and think: What did I do with my time? Did I make an imprint in the mind of some unknowing person? Did I stimulate thought? Did I make the decision to love someone and be a giver? Did I care for all I've been privileged to get and what I'm completely undeserving of? I would hope my answers were yes...and that I lived a 'full' life."
I am Olaitan. And I am a writer :-)
-signed a citizen for the advancement of dialogue between strangers